
ACA Revisions, Trans Fats Ban, Refining Vaccine Waivers, Prostate Cancer Test, Running May Increase Lifespan, Video Chats About Diabetes, Genetic Tests for Diseases, A Diet for Alzheimer's

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April 18, 2017 

Volume 4, Number 6

In This Issue

ACA Revisions

Trans Fats Ban

Refining Vaccine Waivers

Prostate Cancer Test

Running May Increase Lifespan

Video Chats About Diabetes

Genetic Tests for Diseases

A Diet for Alzheimer’s

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Kaiser Health News: Repeal, Replace … Revise: Your Guide To How A Trump Proposal Might Change ACA Insurance Julie Appleby reports: "Repeal and replace is on-again, off-again, but that doesn’t mean the rules affecting your insurance will remain unchanged. The Trump administration late Thursday issued a final rule aimed at stabilizing the health law’s insurance marketplace that could have rapid, dramatic effects on people who do not get insurance through work and buy it on the Affordable Care Act’s exchanges." (Appleby, 4/13)

Source: Kaiser Health News

The Associated Press: Trans Fats Ban Linked With Fewer NY Heart Attacks & Strokes Local bans on artery-clogging trans fats in restaurant foods led to fewer heart attacks and strokes in several New York counties, a new study suggests. The study hints at the potential for widespread health benefits from an upcoming nationwide ban, the authors and other experts say. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2015 gave the food industry until next year to eliminate artificial trans fats from American products. (Tanner, 4/12)

Source: The Associated Press

Kaiser Health News: In ‘Stealth Move,’ Mich. Refines Vaccine Waivers, Improves Rate Among Kids Just three years ago, Michigan had the fourth-highest rate of unvaccinated kindergartners in the nation. But when a charter school in northwestern Traverse City reported nearly two dozen cases of whooping cough and several cases of measles that November, state officials were jolted to action. Without much fanfare — or time for opponents to respond — they abandoned the state’s relatively loose rules for getting an exemption and issued a regulation requiring families to consult personally with local public health departments before obtaining an immunization waiver. (Gugliotta, 4/12)

Source: Kaiser Health News

The Associated Press: What To Know About New Advice On Prostate Cancer Test Should middle-aged men get routine blood tests for prostate cancer? An influential health panel that once said no now says maybe. It says certain men may benefit as long as they understand the potential harms. Some key things to know about the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force's draft recommendations. (4/11)

Source: The Associated Press

The New York Times: An Hour Of Running May Add Seven Hours To Your Life Running may be the single most effective exercise to increase life expectancy, according to a new review and analysis of past research about exercise and premature death. The new study found that, compared to nonrunners, runners tended to live about three additional years, even if they run slowly or sporadically and smoke, drink or are overweight. No other form of exercise that researchers looked at showed comparable impacts on life span. (Reynolds, 4/12)

Source: The New York Times

The New York Times: Tackling Weight Loss And Diabetes With Video Chats About a year and a half ago, Robin Collier and her husband, Wayne, were like millions of other Americans: overweight and living with Type 2 diabetes. Despite multiple diets, the couple could not seem to lose much weight. Then Ms. Collier’s doctor told her she was going to need daily insulin shots to control her diabetes. That was the motivation she needed. “I made up my mind right then and there,” said Ms. Collier, 62, an administrator at an accounting firm in Lafayette, Ind. “I said to myself, ‘I’m not going on insulin. I’m too young to have this disease.’” (O'Connor, 4/11)

Source: The New York Times

The New York Times: F.D.A. Will Allow 23andMe To Sell Genetic Tests For Disease Risk To Consumers For the first time, the Food and Drug Administration said it would allow a company to sell genetic tests for disease risk directly to consumers, providing people with information about the likelihood that they could develop various conditions, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. The move on Thursday is a turnaround for the agency, which had imposed a moratorium in 2013 on disease tests sold by the company, 23andMe, which is based in Mountain View, Calif. (Kolata, 4/6)

Source: The New York Times

Kaiser Health News: To Help Ward Off Alzheimer’s, Think Before You Eat Judith Graham reports: "Diets designed to boost brain health, targeted largely at older adults, are a new, noteworthy development in the field of nutrition. The latest version is the Canadian Brain Health Food Guide, created by scientists in Toronto. Another, the MIND diet, comes from experts at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health." (Graham, 4/6)

Source: Kaiser Health News


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