
The James Group Newsletter Volume 4, Number 13: McCain Votes No, Senate Moving Forward, Ways to Undercut ACA, Vaccine Shots Alternative, Concussion Effects on Female Brains, Sen. McCain Diagnosed with Brain Tumor, Price Transparency, Paid Parental Leave

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July 28, 2017 

Volume 4, Number 13

In This Issue

McCain Votes No

Senate to Move Ahead with Repeal

Ways to Undercut Obamacare

Vaccine Shot Alternatives

Concussions Effects on Female Brains

Sen. McCain Diagnosed with Brain Tumor

Price Transparency

Paid Parental Leave

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Kaiser Health News: McCain Votes No, Derails ‘Skinny Repeal’ In Marathon Session The Senate struggled late into the night to craft and then vote on a placeholder Affordable Care Act repeal bill, but came up empty as it was defeated in a vote early Friday: 49 yeas to 51 nays. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who interrupted brain cancer treatment to return to Capitol Hill and advance the health law repeal efforts, cast the decisive “nay” vote. (McAuliff, 7/28)

Source: Kaiser

Kaiser Health News: Senate Votes To Move Ahead With Obamacare Replacement Bill Debate. What's Next? So the Senate has voted to start debate on a bill to replace the Affordable Care Act. Now what? Well, it gets wonky. The rules for budget reconciliation, the process the Senate is using that limits debate and allows a bill to pass with only a simple majority, comes with a set of very specific rules. Here are some of the big ones that could shape whatever final bill emerges. (Rovner, 7/25)

Source: Kaiser

Kaiser Health News: 5 Ways White House Can Use Its Muscle To Undercut Obamacare President Donald Trump has vowed to “let Obamacare fail,” after legislative efforts to undo the Affordable Care Act have stalled. He and congressional Republicans have repeatedly portrayed the Affordable Care Act insurance marketplaces, also known as exchanges, as being in a “death spiral.” But independent analyses have concluded that such spontaneous disintegration isn’t happening. (Luthra, 7/24)

Source: Kaiser

NPR: Alternatives To Vaccination Shots Are In Development News this summer of a flu vaccine patch sparked a lot of chatter. Could getting vaccinated be as easy as putting on a bandage? Could there be fewer, or at least smaller, needles in our future? Some companies and academic labs are working to make those things happen. (Columbus, 7/23)

Source: NPR

NPR: Concussions May Hit Female Brains Harder, Research Suggests Thanks to research on boxers and football players, both athletes and the public are becoming more aware of the dangers of sports-related head injuries. Yet there is little data on participants like Mazany. That's because, unlike the vast majority of athletes studied, she is a woman. "We classically have always known the male response to brain injury," says Mark Burns, at Georgetown University. But there have been remarkably few studies of females. The bias runs throughout the scientific literature, even in studies of mice. (Hamilton, 7/24)

Source: NPR

NPR: Senator John McCain Diagnosed With Glioblastoma, A Type Of Brain Tumor President Trump released a statement saying, "Senator John McCain has always been a fighter. Melania and I send our thoughts and prayers to Senator McCain, Cindy, and their entire family. Get well soon." (Farrington, 7/19)

Source: NPR

Kaiser Health News: Price Transparency In Medicine Faces Stiff Opposition — From Hospitals And Doctors Two years after it passed unanimously in Ohio’s state Legislature, a law meant to inform patients what health care procedures will cost is in a state of suspended animation. One of the most stringent in a group of similar state laws being proposed across the country, Ohio’s Healthcare Price Transparency Law stipulated that providers had to give patients a “good faith” estimate of what non-emergency services would cost individuals after insurance before they commenced treatment. (Bluth, 7/25)

Source: Kaiser .

Kaiser Health News: Paid Parental Leave May Be The Idea That Transcends Politics Tameka Henry takes care of her disabled husband, her 87-year-old grandfather and her four children, ages 10 to 16. Two of her kids have asthma. Her husband has a chronic intestinal condition, diabetes and congestive heart failure. He’s unemployed. Henry, who makes around $30,000 a year as a case administrator for a behavioral health care provider, saves up sick days and vacation time to use when someone in the family is sick or needs help. Her husband, she said, often needs hours of daily care. (Findlay, 7/26)

Source: Kaiser


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