

The James Group Newsletter Vol. 4, Num. 17: 1st Day of ACA Enrollment Went Well, What to Look For in ACA Enrollment, Less Time to Enroll in ACA, 5 Things to Know About ACA Enrollment, Rule Drafted to Give States More ACA Control, Repeal of ACA & Tax Bill



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November 2, 2017 

Volume 4, Number 17

In This Issue

First Day of ACA Enrollment Went Well

What to Look for in ACA Open Enrollment

Less Time to Enroll in 2018 ACA Plans

5 Things to Know as ACA Enrollment Begins

HHS Drafts Rule to Give State More ACA Control

Repeal of ACA Individual Mandate and Tax Bill

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Politico: First Day Of Obamacare Enrollment Stays Drama-Free Former President Barack Obama sought to boost his namesake health law Wednesday by appearing in a video urging people to sign up for coverage on the first day of the 2018 enrollment season. Obama’s call comes as the Trump administration has taken numerous actions to undermine the law while doing almost nothing to publicize the start of the six-week enrollment season that wraps up on Dec. 15. (Cancryn and Pradhan, 11/1

Source: Politico

The Associated Press: What To Look For As 'Obamacare' 2018 Enrollment Opens Here's what's new, what's the same, and some important points to consider when searching for 2018 coverage. (11/1)

Source: The Associated Press

NPR: Less Money, Less Time To Enroll In 2018 Health Plans Poses Challenges Starting next week, Americans will again be able to shop for health plans on the Affordable Care Act marketplaces. Open enrollment in most states runs from Nov. 1 through Dec. 15. But a lot of people don't know that because the Trump administration slashed the marketing budget for Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. So states, municipalities, community groups, insurers and others are strengthening their outreach efforts. In Texas, some cities and local governments are doing their best to get the word out, but it will be hard to reach the more rural communities. (Lopez and Dembosky, 10/28)

Source: NPR

The Hill: Five Things To Know As ObamaCare Enrollment Begins  Open enrollment for ObamaCare begins on Wednesday, opening a new chapter in what has been a tumultuous year for the health-care law.  The frenzy over health care this year has stoked public confusion about ObamaCare, with some people erroneously stating in polls that the law has been repealed or that they no longer have to pay a fine for not having insurance. (Hellmann, 11/1)

Source: The Hill

The Washington Post: HHS Drafts Rules To Give States More Control Over ACA Marketplace Coverage Federal health officials are proposing changes to rules for coverage sold through the Affordable Care Act’s insurance marketplaces that, starting in 2019, would let states alter the benefits that health plans must provide and limit enrollment help for consumers. The proposals reflect Republicans’ broad desire to weaken federal powers under the 2010 health-care law and remove various props that have led millions of Americans to get ACA insurance. Yet as rules, rather than changes in law, the revisions would not be as far-reaching as the GOP bills that Congress failed to pass this year. (Goldstein, 10/31)

Source: The Washington Post

The Wall Street Journal: Repeal Of ACA’s Individual Mandate Could Be Part Of Tax Overhaul Republicans may seek to repeal the Affordable Care Act requirement that most Americans must have insurance coverage or pay a fine as part of their tax overhaul package, part of a push to undo or delay parts of the health law in the aftermath of the failure of a broader repeal effort. President Donald Trump, in posts on his Twitter account Wednesday, threw his support behind the proposal. (Armour and Peterson, 11/1)

Source: The Wall Street Journal

The Hill: Trump Suggests Repealing ObamaCare Mandate In Tax Bill  President Trump on Wednesday suggested using the GOP tax bill to repeal ObamaCare’s individual mandate. “Wouldn't it be great to Repeal the very unfair and unpopular Individual Mandate in ObamaCare and use those savings for further Tax Cuts,” Trump tweeted. (Weixel, 11/1)

Source: The Hill


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