
Vol. 5, Num. 2: Short-Term Spending Bill, Work-For-Medicaid Rule, ACA Employer Mandate, Government Shutdown, Act to Fight High Drug Prices, Severe Flu Season, Cali Nurses Fight For Single Payer




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January 19, 2018 

Volume 5, Number 2

In This Issue

Short-Term Spending Bill

Work-For-Medicaid Rule

ACA Employer Mandate

Government Shutdown

Act to Fight High Drug Prices

Severe Flu Season Upon Us

Cali Nurses Fight for Single Payer

TJG On Facebook

Contact Us

The James Group, LLC

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Memphis:  901-273-8600

Atlanta:      770-709-7210

This Newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended for legal or tax advice, nor does it create an attorney/client relationship between The James Group, LLC and any readers or recipients. Readers should consult counsel of their own choosing to discuss how these matters relate to their individual circumstances. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the express written consent of The James Group, LLC.

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The Wall Street Journal: Republicans Bet Health-Care Funds Shuffle Will Help Get Spending Bill Passed
Republicans are hoping to land support for a short-term spending bill by agreeing to delay some Affordable Care Act taxes and renewing funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, a gamble that shows the continuing resonance of health-care issues in the national debate. House GOP leaders, seeking to soften Democratic opposition to the spending bill, have included six years of renewed funding for CHIP, which Democrats urgently want. At the same time, they have inserted a repeal of ACA taxes on medical devices, generous employer plans, and health insurance, likely to appeal to conservatives. (Armour, 1/17)

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Kaiser Health News: Trump’s Work-For-Medicaid Rule Puts Work On States’ Shoulders
The Trump administration’s watershed decision Thursday to allow states to test a work requirement for adult Medicaid enrollees sparked widespread criticism from doctors, advocates for the poor, and minority and disability rights groups. Conservatives, however, hailed the change to the federal-state program for low-income people. Stephen Miller, the Medicaid commissioner for Kentucky, which received authority Friday to implement a work requirement, said the new policy will “allow states the flexibility to pursue innovative approaches to improve the health and well-being of Medicaid beneficiaries.” (Galewitz and Bartolone, 1/12)

Source: Kaiser

The New York Times: Individual Mandate Now Gone, G.O.P. Targets The One For Employers
Having wiped out the requirement for people to have health insurance, Republicans in Congress are taking aim at a new target: the mandate in the Affordable Care Act that employers offer coverage to employees. And many employers are cheering the effort. (Pear, 1/14)

Source: The NY Times

Politico: Republicans Lack Votes To Prevent A Shutdown
House Republicans are short of the votes they need to avoid a government shutdown, but Speaker Paul Ryan and GOP leaders remain confident they will pass a stopgap funding measure when it comes to the floor on Thursday. President Donald Trump is personally leaning on GOP lawmakers to fall into line, especially hard-line conservatives who are opposed to virtually anything Ryan and his leadership team propose. (Bresnahan, Ferris and Caygle, 1/17)

Source: Politico

The Hill: Lawmakers Weigh Measure To Fight High Drug Prices 
Lawmakers are considering adding a measure aimed at fighting high drug prices to an upcoming spending deal, in what would be a rare defeat for the powerful pharmaceutical industry. The measure, known as the Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples Act, is intended to prevent branded drug companies from using tactics to delay competition from cheaper generic drugs. It is co-sponsored by a set of unusual bedfellows in both parties. (Sullivan, 1/17)

Source: The Hill

NPR: Flu Season Is Shaping Up To Be Nasty, CDC Says
The United States appears to be in the midst of an unusually severe flu season, officials at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday. The flu season started early, which is never a good sign, and the flu is already widespread throughout the country, the CDC's latest report shows. Half of states are reporting especially intense flu activity. (Stein, 1/12)

Source: NPR

California Healthline: Gloves Off, Fists Up: Nurses Storm Capitol To Renew Single-Payer Fight
The nurses are back with their gloves off — and not the disposable medical kind. Despite a legislative setback last year — dealt by one of the state’s top Democrats, of all people — the powerful California Nurses Association stormed the state Capitol Wednesday to resume their campaign for single payer health care. (Ibarra, 1/18)

Source: California Healthline


The James Group, LLC is now posting current health insurance news articles on our Facebook page. Type in The James Group, LLC in your Facebook search box to access our page.  We will keep it simple with one to three articles per week. Also, please “like” our page if you find the article(s) interesting. 













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January 19, 2018 

Volume 5, Number 2

In This Issue

Short-Term Spending Bill

Work-For-Medicaid Rule

ACA Employer Mandate

Government Shutdown

Act to Fight High Drug Prices

Severe Flu Season Upon Us

Cali Nurses Fight for Single Payer

TJG On Facebook

Contact Us

The James Group, LLC

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Memphis:  901-273-8600

Atlanta:      770-709-7210

This Newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended for legal or tax advice, nor does it create an attorney/client relationship between The James Group, LLC and any readers or recipients. Readers should consult counsel of their own choosing to discuss how these matters relate to their individual circumstances. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the express written consent of The James Group, LLC.

To Unsubscribe, please reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in the Subject line.

The Wall Street Journal: Republicans Bet Health-Care Funds Shuffle Will Help Get Spending Bill Passed
Republicans are hoping to land support for a short-term spending bill by agreeing to delay some Affordable Care Act taxes and renewing funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, a gamble that shows the continuing resonance of health-care issues in the national debate. House GOP leaders, seeking to soften Democratic opposition to the spending bill, have included six years of renewed funding for CHIP, which Democrats urgently want. At the same time, they have inserted a repeal of ACA taxes on medical devices, generous employer plans, and health insurance, likely to appeal to conservatives. (Armour, 1/17)

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Kaiser Health News: Trump’s Work-For-Medicaid Rule Puts Work On States’ Shoulders
The Trump administration’s watershed decision Thursday to allow states to test a work requirement for adult Medicaid enrollees sparked widespread criticism from doctors, advocates for the poor, and minority and disability rights groups. Conservatives, however, hailed the change to the federal-state program for low-income people. Stephen Miller, the Medicaid commissioner for Kentucky, which received authority Friday to implement a work requirement, said the new policy will “allow states the flexibility to pursue innovative approaches to improve the health and well-being of Medicaid beneficiaries.” (Galewitz and Bartolone, 1/12)

Source: Kaiser

The New York Times: Individual Mandate Now Gone, G.O.P. Targets The One For Employers
Having wiped out the requirement for people to have health insurance, Republicans in Congress are taking aim at a new target: the mandate in the Affordable Care Act that employers offer coverage to employees. And many employers are cheering the effort. (Pear, 1/14)

Source: The NY Times

Politico: Republicans Lack Votes To Prevent A Shutdown
House Republicans are short of the votes they need to avoid a government shutdown, but Speaker Paul Ryan and GOP leaders remain confident they will pass a stopgap funding measure when it comes to the floor on Thursday. President Donald Trump is personally leaning on GOP lawmakers to fall into line, especially hard-line conservatives who are opposed to virtually anything Ryan and his leadership team propose. (Bresnahan, Ferris and Caygle, 1/17)

Source: Politico

The Hill: Lawmakers Weigh Measure To Fight High Drug Prices 
Lawmakers are considering adding a measure aimed at fighting high drug prices to an upcoming spending deal, in what would be a rare defeat for the powerful pharmaceutical industry. The measure, known as the Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples Act, is intended to prevent branded drug companies from using tactics to delay competition from cheaper generic drugs. It is co-sponsored by a set of unusual bedfellows in both parties. (Sullivan, 1/17)

Source: The Hill

NPR: Flu Season Is Shaping Up To Be Nasty, CDC Says
The United States appears to be in the midst of an unusually severe flu season, officials at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday. The flu season started early, which is never a good sign, and the flu is already widespread throughout the country, the CDC's latest report shows. Half of states are reporting especially intense flu activity. (Stein, 1/12)

Source: NPR

California Healthline: Gloves Off, Fists Up: Nurses Storm Capitol To Renew Single-Payer Fight
The nurses are back with their gloves off — and not the disposable medical kind. Despite a legislative setback last year — dealt by one of the state’s top Democrats, of all people — the powerful California Nurses Association stormed the state Capitol Wednesday to resume their campaign for single payer health care. (Ibarra, 1/18)

Source: California Healthline


The James Group, LLC is now posting current health insurance news articles on our Facebook page. Type in The James Group, LLC in your Facebook search box to access our page.  We will keep it simple with one to three articles per week. Also, please “like” our page if you find the article(s) interesting. 










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