The James Group Newsletter Vol. 5, Num. 8: Hosp Contrib to High HC Prices, Lifetime limits on Medicaid, $15b Spending Cuts, Drug Plans Drop, MD Insurers Seek Prem Hikes 2019, Walmart Opioid Restrictions, E.Coli, Expand Veteran HC, CVS/Aetna Deal, Price: ObamaCare Indiv Mandate
May 8, 2018 |
Volume 5, Number 8 |
In This Issue Hospitals Contribute to High Healthcare Prices $15 Billion in Spending Cuts Proposed MD Insurers Seek Premium Hikes for 2019 Proposal to Expand Private HC for Veterans CVS Moving Forward with Aetna Deal Price: ObamaCare Individual Mandate Contact Us The James Group, LLC This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Memphis: 901-273-8600 Atlanta: 770-709-7210
This Newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended for legal or tax advice, nor does it create an attorney/client relationship between The James Group, LLC and any readers or recipients. Readers should consult counsel of their own choosing to discuss how these matters relate to their individual circumstances. Reproduction of any kind is prohibited without the express written consent of The James Group, LLC. To Unsubscribe, please reply with “UNSUBSCRIBE” in the Subject line. |
Hospitals Responsible For Large Share Of Growth In Healthcare Prices, Analysis Indicates Modern Healthcare Source: Modern Healthcare Kaiser Health News: Federal Officials Say No-Go To Lifetime Limits On Medicaid Source: Kaiser The Associated Press: Trump Proposing Billions In Spending Cuts To Congress Source: The Associated Press Bloomberg: Drug Plans Drop After Trump Official Targets PBMs Ahead Of Speech Source: Bloomberg The Washington Post: CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield And Other Maryland Insurers Seek 30 Percent Premium Hikes For 2019 Source: The Washington Post The Hill: Walmart To Restrict Opioid Prescriptions At Its Pharmacies Source: The Hill The New York Times: Romaine Riddle: Why The E. Coli Outbreak Eludes Food Investigators Source: The NY Times The Washington Post: ‘I Will Sign Immediately,’ Trump Promises On Proposal To Expand Private Health Care For Veterans Source: Bloomberg Bloomberg: CVS ‘Moving Forward’ With Aetna Deal, Profit Tops Estimates Source: Bloomberg The Hill: Price Walks Back Warning On ObamaCare Individual Mandate Source: The Hill __________________________________________________________________ The James Group, LLC is now posting current health insurance news articles on our Facebook page. Type in The James Group, LLC in your Facebook search box to access our page. We will keep it simple with one to three articles per week. Also, please “like” our page if you find the article(s) interesting.